Thursday, March 4, 2010

What Does BYUSA Do?

BYU/SA. Most students at BYU are probably familiar with the name because of the colorful banners posted prominently across campus and appreciate the occasional hot chocolate given out on cold, wintry days. However, BYU/SA is much more than that. With more than 1500 volunteers, BYU/SA is involved in many aspects of life at BYU. There are six areas that makeup BYU/SA. While the most recognizable areas are likely Clubs and Campus Activities, the other areas are just as important and bring about many wonderful things to the campus.

So what are these areas and what do they all do?

The Student Advisory Council. More commonly known as SAC, more than 40 students meet twice a week on this council. They are basically the link between the students and BYU administration. When students have ideas, thoughts, or concerns, it is the job of SAC to get their voices heard. SAC allows students to offer input through Bright Ideas, either online or in boxes located at different areas across campus. The Bright Ideas website is currently hosting a drawing for several prizes when anyone submits an idea. Anyone is welcome at the meetings which are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-5:30 in room 3290 of the Wilkinson Center. SAC is all about making BYU campus a better place, and everyones input is appreciated!

The Student Honor Society, or SHA. SHA is all about educating the students of BYU on the Honor Code. They host over 200 events throughout campus. The most recognizable part of SHA is the SHA Choir, which is a non-audition choir that is held every Thursday at 11 am. The SHA Choir performs at firesides throughout campus, and anyone is welcome to join. SHA's main goal is to help students to "go forth to serve" as one of the BYU entrance signs proclaims by following the principles behind the Honor Code.

Campus Activities. Perhaps the most well-known part of BYU/SA is the many wonderful and unifying activities that are put on throughout the year. They put on hundreds of activities a year. From Fall Fest and True Blue Football to the recent Y-Ball for marriage and engaged couples, there are activities that are sure to satisfy just about anyone. There are activities for married students, freshman, and students that are off-campus. There is always need for volunteers in putting on these activities. A lot of time and effort is put into planning all of these events, and are meant to unite the students at BYU and provide fun activities that anyone can attend!

Communications. This is the department that is behind all of the advertising, social media such as Twitter and Facebook pages, and the website. There are many areas in which people can volunteer, such as with advertsing, website management and video production. This blog has been set up by the communications department, and is always looking for writers! One of the favorite activities that is headed up by the communications department is Service Squad, where students meet every Wednesday nights at 7:15 in 3400 WSC to participate in random acts of service around campus. The main goal of Communications is to keep students informed of what's going on around campus.

Clubs. Another well known area of BYU/SA is Clubs. There are between 80 and 100 clubs which were formed around a variety of different interests. Some of the popular clubs are Ping Pong, Y Juggle, and the Tall Club. There is sure to be a club that just about anyone could enjoy! Clubs are a great way to get to know people and make friends with those that share similar interests. Don't think there's a club to accomodate your interest? Anyone can start one. For more information on the clubs at BYU and on how to create one, visit the Clubs website here.

Human Resources. Last, but certainly not least, is Human Resources. HR is the department that matches volunteers with places they can serve. They sponsor Involv-a-palooza every year, in hopes of attracting students to service and matching them up with places they can best serve. Talking with the HR department is a great way to find many different types of service around campus. If you are interested in serving with BYU/SA, come on in to the BYU/SA office and talk to someone in the HR department between 8 am and 6 pm during the week.

Hopefully now you are more informed about what goes on at BYU/SA. There's room for everyone to serve, so come on over to room 3400 on the WSC to sign up today!

A calender is available here that provides details on upcoming events, meetings, and other fun BYU/SA happenings! Sign up today, volunteers are always wanted!

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